Equestrian Stockholm

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Our new home

Olen tänään ratsastanut heti aikaisin aamulla kun täällä on ollut tosi kuuma.  Huomenna lähdetään Fontainbleuhun joten olen tänään ratsastanut vaan sileällä ja viimeistelly kisakuntoa.  Hevoset tuntuvat hyviltä, olleet vähän hermostuneita kun kentän vieressä on varsoja mihin eivät ole tottuneet mutta rauhoittuvat koko ajan enemmän ja enemmän.  

Äiti tuli tänään tänne joten hain hänet lentokentältä ja ollaan otettu aika rauhallisesti, oltiin aikaisin valmiita kun oli niin tehokas aamu :) Tänään tuli myös meidän uusi kisakaappi, laitan kuvia siitä huomenna! Jopa minä innostun organisoimaan tavarat kun on uusi kaappi mihin järjestellä niitä.

Huomenna enää ja sitten ollaankin jo vuoden ekoissa kansainvälisissä kioissa! Siistii!


Quality time with my cutiepie.

Suvis apartment is literally in the stable... the white door is her door.

This is what we see when we look out the stable doors, a veterinary clinic. The guy who owns the place, Jeff, is running it.

Our indoor, and Suvis home :)

Elenas dog... those eyes...

Our stable aisle.

Everything is so well planned. Here our solarium and grooming stable.

Roosas Felix on his way out.

Today I rode really early in the morning because it has been so warm. Tomorrow we are leaving for Fontainbleu so we have only worked on getting the horses good and relaxed for the show. The horses feel really good, I'm pretty confident. Nice feeling! The only small problem that has been is that the horses have been a little bit nervous about the foals in the paddock next to the arena because they are not used to see foals, but they will get over it :)

Mom came today so I picked her up from the airport and after that we have been taking it pretty easy. We finished early today because we were so efficient in the morning. 
We also got our new tackbox, it's so nice. Will show you a picture tomorrow. Even I get all eager on organising everything when there is this new tackbox to put them in.

Only tomorrow more left and then we are already at the first international show for the year! So excited!


The ground on the outdoors is super!!

Celtas Quela already feeling at home here, here she is flirting with some friends while being out on the grass. Luxury.

Rex gets to be in a smaller paddock so that he doesn't over eat...

Schwarzenegger, he has been so well behaved!

Hanging out with Vaillant and enjoying the green grass.

Our tack room... thank god we got the new box today!

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