Olimme pari viikkoa sitten keskiviikkona ja torstaina Herven valmennuksessa joka pidettiin Marinan tallilla. Oli oikein kiva päästä mukaan treenaamaan ja saatiin hyviä vinkkejä. Treenattiin paljon sitä että saadaan hevoset hyvään tasapainoon heti esteen jälkeen ja Callen kanssa sitä että saa sen hypyn vähän nopeammaksi vaikka esteet vähän nousee.
Oli hyvä fiilis lähteä sen jälkeen kilpailuihin sunnuntaina Hyvinkäälle. Copernica hyppäsi todella hyvin ja voitti 140cm luokan ja Elma oli neljäs 130cm luokassa jossa Calle myös hyppäsi mutta sai harmillisesti viimeisen esteen alas. Kaikki hevoset hyppäsivät todella hyvin ja seuraavaksi on Elman vuoro Hihsissä.
Tein videon tänään jossa näette vähän miltä talli näyttää ja mitä viimeistelyjä meillä on vielä tekemättä ja sitten kerron myös mitä syötän hevosilleni ja uudesta tuotteesta jonka olen saannut kokeilla. Käykää katsomassa ja tykkäämässä.
We had Herve´s trainings two weeks ago on Wednesday and Thursday at Marinas place. It was very nice to be able to take part again and we got some good tips to work on at home. We did a lot of training to get the horses in good balance after the jump and with Calle we tried to focus on getting his jump a little faster even if the fences where a bit bigger.
I had a good feeling going to the show on Sunday after the good training sessions. Copernica jumped very well and won the 140cm class and Elma was 4th in the 130cm, also Calle jumped a good round in the 130cm but had the last one down. Next in line is Elma who is going to participate at Helsinki International Horseshoe.
I did a video today where I show you what finishing touches we still have to do on the stable and then I talk a bit about what I feed the horses. The video is in Finnish but I will explain you shortly what my horses eat. I feed Pavo horse feed to all my horses and they get (they don't get all of these different feeds, usually we feed them some of the ones i mentioned + oats and mash), Sportsfit, Topsport and 18+ and mash.
I like for example "Topsport", because it has a high portion of amino acids that is good for keeping the muscles i shape when they do lot. And also regarding the muscles, I like the supplement "muscle build" a lot. I have seen big changes when using that one.
We have our own oats that most of the horses get as well. A normal horse gets about 3,5 l feed a day + mash and hay. We feed them 4 times a day and they stand on straw because I think its important that they eat a little all the time to keep the their stomach in balance. All horses get electrolytes and oil. We also giv the older ones Twydils "racing" and the younger ones Twydils "Growing". We try to give every horse the feed that fits them the best. I also show you a new product that I have and love so watch the video and give a thumbs up if you liked it.
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