Equestrian Stockholm

Friday, April 29, 2016

Running free

Ihanan aurinkoinen pÀivÀ tÀnÀÀn! Hevoset kin saivat nauttia siitÀ oikein kunnolla. Videossa nÀette miten iloisia he olivat kun pÀÀsivÀt vÀhÀn rilluttelee laitumelle. Voisin katsoa niitÀ tuntikausia laitumella. MielestÀni hevoset keskityy ja ovat paljon motivoituneempia kun saavat aina vÀlillÀ olla vÀhÀn niin kuin oikeasti hevosia!

HyvÀÀ vappua kaikille! MinÀ lÀhden vielÀ Lohjalle tuomariksi kyvytesiin karsintoihin ennen kun viikonloppu alkaa kunnolla.


What a lovely sunny day! The horses got to enjoy it as well. In the video you see how fun they had when they got to run free and be a little crazy.
I think the horses stay a lot more focused and motivated when they get to be a bit more like real horses! Thats all I´ve got to say today. 

Have a good weekend!


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

On the flat

Moi. Olen ratsastanut kaikki hevoset niin kuin normaalisti ja tein uuden videon. Kaikki meni siinÀ videon teossa ihan hyvin minun mielestÀni. Mutta nyt kuin nÀin sen youtubessa niin huomasin jonkun tekstin jonka en olsi ollenkaan halunnut sinne. No koitin tossa muutaman kerran korjata sitÀ mutta pakko vaan todeta taas ettÀ en ole mikÀÀn tietokone guru. Noh, katsokaa itse niin nÀette.


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Hello. I rode all horses as I normally do and then I made a new video. I thought everything was going well until I watched the video on youtube and noticed that there was sum freaking text that I didn't want to have there at all. Tried to fix it a couple of times but it didn't work. I just have to face the fact as so many other times, Im no computer nerd. And I definitely suck at it. But hey, watch it your self and see what you think.


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Monday, April 25, 2016

The prettiest memory ever!

Oli sunnuntai iltapĂ€ivĂ€. Karsinan ulkopuolella oli iso joukko ihmisiĂ€. Me naurettiin ja oltiin iloisia ihan kuin huolia ei olisi olemassakaan. 
Vaillant oli just sijoittunut viidenneksi Tallinnan pÀÀluokassa. Palkintojenjaon jĂ€lkeen kuin Vaillant oli hoidettu ja pussailtu olimme menossa isolla suomalaisella porukalla syömÀÀn ravintolaan vielĂ€ ennen kuin laiva lĂ€htisi takaisin Helsinkiin. 

Silloin huomasin ettĂ€ Vaillantin hĂ€nnĂ€stĂ€ oli irronnut aika paljon jouhia jotka olivat kiinni seinĂ€llĂ€. Otin ne laukkuuni ja vitsailin muille ettĂ€ voin vaikka letittÀÀ niitĂ€ kun on tylsÀÀ matkalla. En tiedĂ€ edes miksi otin niitĂ€, ja se vitsi ei ainakaan ollut niin hauska :D. Mutta loppujen lopuksi se oli osoittautui hyvĂ€ksi ideaksi. 

Monta kuukautta Vaillantin poismenon jĂ€lkeen löysin jouhet laukustani jota en ollut kĂ€yttĂ€nyt pitkÀÀn aikaan ja tiesin heti mitĂ€ halusin tehdĂ€. 

Jouhikorut nannasalmi tekevĂ€t ihania koruja hevosten jouhista. Ette ymmĂ€rrĂ€ miten onnelinen olin kun löysin ne jouhet! Helsinki horse shown aikana kĂ€vin niillĂ€ ja sain sitten Ă€idiltĂ€ni tĂ€mĂ€n korun lahjaksi. 
En usko ettÀ mikÀÀn koru merkitsee niin paljon minulle kuin tÀmÀ! Suosittelen lÀmpimÀsti!

Vaillant on paikka minun sydĂ€mmessĂ€ aina mutta tulen niin hyvĂ€lle tuulelle kun nĂ€en tĂ€mĂ€n ihanan korun! 

HyvÀÀ maanantiata kaikille lukioille!


LöydÀ lisÀtietoa tÀstÀ:

It was a Sunday evening. We where a bunch of happy people laughing and smiling like there would be no care in the world. Valliant had just became 5th in the Tallin grand prix. After the price giving and after we groomed, kissed Vaillant we wanted to go out for dinner with the whole Finnish team before the ferry left back to Helsinki. 

That was when I noticed that Vaillant had rubbed of a large peace of he's tale on the box wall. I took it in my purse and laught with my friends and told them that when there was nothing else to do I could always start braiding the hairs on the way. Now when I think about it I have no idea why I took the hairs, and the joke was for shore not that funny :D.  But it turned out to be a super idea. 

Many months after Vallants death I found the hairs in the purse I hadn't ben using sins and I knew straight away what to do with them. 

Jouhikoru nannasalmi does so nice and good looking jewelry from the tail of the horses. You can´t imagine how happy I was that I still had them and it was so bizarre that I actually took them! When there was the big international show at Helsinki I took the hairs to nannasalmi and my mum bought the bracelet for me as a present.  
I don't think any jewelry means this much to me as this one dose! I can warmly recommend that you get your own!

Valliant has a place in my heart for ever but it makes me so happy to see this bracelet on my arm.

Have a good monday everyone! 


Check out more here:

Thursday, April 21, 2016

My day - jumping the horses (video)

MinĂ€ alan kohta oikein tykkÀÀmÀÀn tĂ€stĂ€ video editoimisesta. Olen siis tĂ€nÀÀn tehnyt uuden videon youtubeen jonka linkkaan myös tĂ€nne. Minulla on muutama uusi hevonen jota ette ehkĂ€ ole nĂ€hneet kunnolla vielĂ€. TĂ€stĂ€ videosta oli tulossa niin pitkĂ€ ettĂ€ leikkasin aika monta kohtaa pois jossa kerroin hieman enemmĂ€n hevosista. Joten jos jotain jÀÀ epĂ€selvĂ€ksi niin voitte kysyĂ€ lisÀÀ tÀÀllĂ€ blogissa. Tai vaikka snap chatissĂ€... Olin alkuun ihan toivoton kĂ€ytĂ€mÀÀn sitĂ€ mutta nyt tuntuu siltĂ€ ettĂ€ alan oppimaan ottaa videoita ja kuvia aivan turhanpĂ€ivĂ€n jutuista ja se on jopa hauskaa. Se on sitten toinen juttu ettĂ€ jos se teidĂ€n mielestĂ€ on niin hirveĂ€n hauskaa. Wauw, mikĂ€ myyntipuhe :D. Minut löytÀÀ sieltĂ€ nimellĂ€ Jessica Timgren. 

HyvÀÀ yötÀ!




These are my favorite breeches at the moment. Animo. 

I´m actually starting to like the editing of videos. Today I/we made a new video with me jumping the horses as there are a few new ones that you may not have seen properly yet. This video was becoming so long so I had to shorten it up an therefore cut out some pieces where I was explaining a bit more about the new horses. So if you have any questions you can alleys ask them here. Or you could go totally crazy and ask me on snap chat. I´m actually taking pictures and videos of stuff that probably don't interest anybody, such as me driving a tractor or Ronja and I trying out some new faces. And its actually kinda fun. So feel free to join me there if you like. Wow, what a sails speech I just had there :D. You find me there under the name Jessica Timgren.

Have a good night!



Today was such a nice relaxing day to work. 

Friday, April 8, 2016

A day off

Ett foto publicerat av jmtimgren (@jmtimgren)

HyvÀÀ perjantaita kaikille. Olen itse ollut tÀnÀÀn kipeenÀ kotona mutta eiköhÀn se tÀstÀ parane pian.
Uusi hevonen Sagans Eupheme vaikuttaa todella kivalta ja on ihana ratsastaa. Aika harvinasta niin nuorelta hevoselta olla niin tasapainossa ja kivalla tavalla herkkÀ avuille. Kohta mennÀÀn ensimmÀisiin kilpailuihin, en ole vielÀ pÀÀttÀnyt mihin mutta ensi viikolla hypÀÀn rataa ja yritÀn saada siitÀ video tÀÀnnekin niin saatte nÀhdÀ.

HyvÀÀ viikonloppua.


ps. Oli tarkitus tehdÀ video eilen mutta oli niin huono olo illalla ettÀ en kyennyt siihen enÀÀn. VielÀ saa antaa toivomuksia jos sellaisia löytyy :)

Ett foto publicerat av jmtimgren (@jmtimgren)

Happy friday everyone. I have been feeling miserable the whole day, some kind of an stomach flu. But it should be better in a bit.
The new horse Sagans Eupheme seems relay nice and she is super good to ride. Quite exceptional for such a young horse to be in such a good balance all by her selfe. Soon we are going to the frist show but first I want to jump a full corse at home and then I will decide where to go. IÄșl try to get the training on a video for you to watch as well.

Have a good weekend!


ps. I was going to make a video yesterday but i felt quite tired so I´m doing it next week instead. If you have any requests then please let me know :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

New horses, sold horses, amazing parties and training camps...

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PitkĂ€stĂ€ aikaa. YritĂ€n pĂ€ivittÀÀ blogiani hieman useammin jatkossa. otan mielellÀÀn vastaan ideoita teiltĂ€ ettĂ€ mistĂ€ voisin kirjoittaa. Se auttaa minua aina huimasti kun jaksatte kirjoittaa tĂ€nne. Kun teen tĂ€tĂ€ työtĂ€ joka pĂ€ivĂ€ niin jotkut asiat ovat niin itsestÀÀnselviĂ€ ettĂ€ en edes keksi kirjoittaa siitĂ€ kunnes joku muistuttaa minua ettĂ€ just siitĂ€ aiheesta olisi kiva lukea. Kiitos siitĂ€ jo etukĂ€teen! 

Sandro Girl on myyty Belgiaan ja lÀhti viime torstaina. Koko meidÀn tiimi toivottaa uusille omistajille paljon onnea ja menestystÀ! Se on niin upea hevonen. Minulle on tullut sitÀ jo ikÀvÀ.

Tallissa on yksi uusi viisi vuotias tamma "Sagans Eupheme" (Saint Amour x For Pleasure) josta on jo muutama lyhyt video pĂ€tkĂ€ istagramissa. Se vaikuttaa kivalta ja söpöltĂ€ hevoselta. TykkÀÀn! Ja sen lisĂ€ksi olen ostanut uuden viisi vuotias tamman hollannista "Tanja"(Twister de la Pomme x Karandasj)  joka nĂ€illĂ€ nĂ€kymin tulee ensi viikolla. 

Ja meidÀn pikku Ronja tÀytti jo kaksi vuotta! En voi uskoa miten nopeasti aika menee! Me jÀrjestettiin hÀnelle syntymÀpÀivÀ juhlat sunnuntaina. Syötiin ja naurettiin just niin kuin pitÀÀ! Oli myös hauska nÀhdÀ kuina hÀmillÀÀn mutta iloinen Ronja oli kun kaikki lauloimme hÀnelle <3

HyvÀÀ illanjatkoa teille! 


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We had some really good training days together with this group of amazing girls! Super pupils!

Long time no see! I will try to update the blog a little more often. I gladly take ideas from you what to write about. Since I do this job every single day, I sometimes take things for granted and don't get the idea to write about it until somebody reminds me that they would find a certain subject very interesting. So I thank you in advance!

Meanwhile Sandro Girl has been sold to Belgium. The whole team wishes the new owners luck and success in the future! She is such a lovely horse and I already miss her!

In the stable we have a new five year old mare "Sagans Eupheme" (Saint Amour x For Pleasure) and I also bought a new five years old mare from holland "Tanja"(Twister de la Pomme x Karandasj), she will be here next week if everything goes as planed. 

And our little Ronja turned two years! Can you believe it!? The time flies. We celebrated her by organizing a birthday party on sunday. We ate and laughed and had a blast! She was so cute as we sang for her <3

Have a good evening!


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