Oli sunnuntai iltapÀivÀ. Karsinan ulkopuolella oli iso joukko ihmisiÀ. Me naurettiin ja oltiin iloisia ihan kuin huolia ei olisi olemassakaan.
Vaillant oli just sijoittunut viidenneksi Tallinnan pÀÀluokassa. Palkintojenjaon jÀlkeen kuin Vaillant oli hoidettu ja pussailtu olimme menossa isolla suomalaisella porukalla syömÀÀn ravintolaan vielÀ ennen kuin laiva lÀhtisi takaisin Helsinkiin.
Silloin huomasin ettÀ Vaillantin hÀnnÀstÀ oli irronnut aika paljon jouhia jotka olivat kiinni seinÀllÀ. Otin ne laukkuuni ja vitsailin muille ettÀ voin vaikka letittÀÀ niitÀ kun on tylsÀÀ matkalla. En tiedÀ edes miksi otin niitÀ, ja se vitsi ei ainakaan ollut niin hauska :D. Mutta loppujen lopuksi se oli osoittautui hyvÀksi ideaksi.
Monta kuukautta Vaillantin poismenon jÀlkeen löysin jouhet laukustani jota en ollut kÀyttÀnyt pitkÀÀn aikaan ja tiesin heti mitÀ halusin tehdÀ.
Jouhikorut nannasalmi tekevÀt ihania koruja hevosten jouhista. Ette ymmÀrrÀ miten onnelinen olin kun löysin ne jouhet! Helsinki horse shown aikana kÀvin niillÀ ja sain sitten ÀidiltÀni tÀmÀn korun lahjaksi.
En usko ettÀ mikÀÀn koru merkitsee niin paljon minulle kuin tÀmÀ! Suosittelen lÀmpimÀsti!
Vaillant on paikka minun sydÀmmessÀ aina mutta tulen niin hyvÀlle tuulelle kun nÀen tÀmÀn ihanan korun!
HyvÀÀ maanantiata kaikille lukioille!
It was a Sunday evening. We where a bunch of happy people laughing and smiling like there would be no care in the world. Valliant had just became 5th in the Tallin grand prix. After the price giving and after we groomed, kissed Vaillant we wanted to go out for dinner with the whole Finnish team before the ferry left back to Helsinki.
That was when I noticed that Vaillant had rubbed of a large peace of he's tale on the box wall. I took it in my purse and laught with my friends and told them that when there was nothing else to do I could always start braiding the hairs on the way. Now when I think about it I have no idea why I took the hairs, and the joke was for shore not that funny :D. But it turned out to be a super idea.
Many months after Vallants death I found the hairs in the purse I hadn't ben using sins and I knew straight away what to do with them.
Jouhikoru nannasalmi does so nice and good looking jewelry from the tail of the horses. You can´t imagine how happy I was that I still had them and it was so bizarre that I actually took them! When there was the big international show at Helsinki I took the hairs to nannasalmi and my mum bought the bracelet for me as a present.
I don't think any jewelry means this much to me as this one dose! I can warmly recommend that you get your own!
Valliant has a place in my heart for ever but it makes me so happy to see this bracelet on my arm.
Have a good monday everyone!