Vaikka koko ajan katselen ja suunnitelen tulevaisuutta niin kaikki hevoset mitä minulla on ollut on muokannut minut siksi ratsastajaksi mikä olen tänään. Joten ajattelin näyttää vähän kuvia aikaisemmista hevosistani. Minun aikaisemmat hevoset ovat olleet ne jotka ovat opettaneet kaiken sen minkä osaan tänään.
Ponivuosina minulla oli aivan ihan poni, Omarbach jolla kisasin kaikki isot kisat EM:iä mukaan lukien. Juniorivuosina minulla oli ensimmäinen iso hevonen Florenz joka ostettiin Ruotsista, ja on kyllä edellenkin minun kaikkien aikojen suosikki. Se oli ihanan kiltti mutta ratsastaessa kuuma ja kyvykäs hevonen. Pokerface joka tuli tällä viikolla Suomeen on Florenzin ensimmäinen varsa.
Mukaan mahtuu monta muitakin mahtavia hevosia ja poneja kuten Guido, Online ja Within Temptation, joista olen kaikista hyvin kiitollinen ja ne on kaikki opettanut minulle paljon ja eri tavalla, joten tässä nyt vähän kuvia minun vanhoista hevosistani.
Kuten lupasin niin tässä linkki eilisistä treeneistä Vaillantin kanssa.
Omarbach 'Omppu' was sold after my pony years to Italy.
Omarbach at the Europeans 2005, we won the the small final.
Little Grey 'Lilli' my first own pony. I did my first nationals on her. Lilli still lives in Finland.
Within Temptation, a stallion who I schooled and later on sold to the USA.
Online 'Onni' who we bought to go next to Guido, she did up to Grand Prix as well and is now foaling in Sweden.
Don Guido La Silla, my first big class horse. We did up to Grand Prix jumping together. We also did the Europeans together. We sold him later on to Mexico.
Trip down memory lane and a short training video
Even though I'm planning the future now all the time and looking forward to the summer I like to look back sometimes and remember my old horses and ponies and what they have taught me. The horses in my past has made me the rider I am today.
During my pony years I first had a small pony "Little Grey" Lilli, and then "Omarbach" with whom I had great success with and really kickstarted my interest in show jumping. I rode the Europeans with Omarbach and then we later on sold him to Italy.
As junior rider I got my first big horse Florenz, she was great, careful and scopey but very kind. She is still the special one for me. Pokerface who arrived last week is her first foal. Florenz now lives in Sweden where she is hanging out with Online my other former star and some babies :) During my career as a rider there has been space for a lot of different horses and ponies and they all have a special place in my heart and all have taught me different things and made me better. I really love looking at these old pictures, because they bring up so many good memories.
Like I promised yesterday here is a link from yesterdays training with Vaillant. This is filmed at Nissala.
Summer is on it's way! It's all green and the flowers are blooming.
We had the farrier shoeing the horses today. I shoe all my horses every 6th week.
Corellas turn getting new shoes.
Picture from the arena looking over the indoor and the paddocks. Love that the grass is growing.
Todays outfit: Colmar jacket, Pikeur riding breeches and Animo riding socks.